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Join us

Thinking of joining this unique community? Know that you are welcome here! We are a local community organization and our success is largely thanks to our wonderful volunteers. We thank you in advance for becoming part of our organization and supporting us in any way you can.


Aspiring or experienced performer, step out of that shower and sing and dance in front of real people! Our directors will teach you what you need to know and rehearsals will give you ample opportunity to perfect your performance, meet new people, and join a new fun and supportive family of like minded crazies individuals. It might be work, but it won’t feel like it!

Back stage

Rather NOT be performing? There are lots of ways to help out. We always need help behind the scenes. Do you have a special skill that might help us out or would you like to?  No singing or dancing required to help with light construction or set painting, costuming, wardrobe, props, or stage crew and we offer practical hands-on guidance that will teach you how.

Production Team

Would you like to be considered for our production team, We welcome applications from potential artistic directors, musical directors, choreographers, stage managers, costumers, set designers and builders. Tell us about yourself, your experience and your philosophy.

Organizational Support

It truly takes a village to produce an amateur musical theatre production. Leaning towards something less showy or crafty, better with the pen than the hammer. How about ushering, fundraising, graphic design, organizing, filing or general man or woman power.

Would you Like to Join Us

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